War. War never changes.
Well, until it does. On Saturday 8th of June we had a great four-player game of Fallout: The Board Game, by Fantasy Flight Games. The game is set in the Fallout universe, based on the videogames and, more recently, Amazon’s Fallout TV series.
For the first time, we used the Atomic Bonds expansion, as well as the New California expansion. Where New California expands the missions with larger maps, new characters, and more items; Atomic Bonds makes the game truly cooperative, with all players playing as a team to defeat the game.
Fallout is an excellent story-driven game, putting the players through a series of quests and challenges. These present players with chances to advance the story to support their faction rewarding teamwork or set-back the players by promoting the agenda of the opposing faction.
On this occasion, the game itself outsmarted the players right at the last moment.
It’s always fun to have a boardgame where the players cooperate against the cardboard.
Please let us know what is your favourite cooperative game. We might just have it in our catalogue!