This was a 2000 point Kings of War clash where Jonno was trying out some of his new Trident Realm units against my Orcs using the Invade Scenario.
(I tried to take pictures at the end of each player's turn but lost track towards the end as the game got quite intense by then.)
Initial deployment

From the Orcy perspective the Trident Realms have lots of firepower so they set up in the shelter of the high hill (Thanks Matt) on their right and behind a wood on their left.
End Turn 1
Lots of manouvering and some magic dragging orcs hither and thither around on the battlefield but, unusually, no combat.

End Turn 2

Orc units being dragged into hindering terrain, being flown over, weakened and generally upset. The Trident realm siren is really nasty!

Combats - singularly ineffective by the orcs. The horde in the centre was almost completely ineffective but the Helstrikers on the hill had more success.
End Turn 3

The orc horde was obliterated as was the unit of rift-walkers. The unit of helstrikers on the hill also suffered a Wavering combat result from the Treeleaper Dambusters.

Some retribution from the orcs as the Giant and the Thunderseers on the orc left removed a unit, while on the hill, two a Riftforger and Thonaar (a unique character hero) destroyed the Treeleaper Dambusters so clearing the top of the hill.
End Turn 4
The focus of the battle moved to the hill. A unit of Gigas charged and destroyed the orc's Helstrikers while a unit of Placoderms/depth Horrors caused a regiment of orcs to Waver. On the other flank the Trident Realm forces continued attempting their mopping up action by attacking the Thunderseers.

The orc retribution on the left wing was swift with giant and the Riftforger removing one unit from the battle while on the hill unit of Gigas were also destroyed.
Turns 5 and 6
On the orc left the the Thunderseers were destroyed as were the Realm's unit of Gigas.
On the hill two units of orcs were destroyed, one in combat, one by shooting. The orc hero, Thonaar, has also been killed. To offset that the Trident Realm forces had been reduced by the action of the heroes on the hill.
The scenario victory criteria is based on have more strength of your forces in the enemy half of the table than they have in yours.
Turn 7
The orcs had 5 points of and the Trident Realm had 6 points so they were up for the win. The put a flank charge in on the Giant to try and guarantee the win but he survived. The orcs had nothing in reach of the unit of orcs so it was all down to the Rftforger and the Flagger to charge.

Heroes rock! The game truly came down to the last roll of the dice. My two hindered (by the field) heroes had to destroy the unit of Riverguard Dambusters to give the orcs win. They needed to roll back to back 7's or better twice and made it!
Good game but Jonno's inability to inflict shooting damage was a real game changer. His dice kept refusing to roll high enough to hit.