Ready to start our second day at the UK Games Expo (please read our previous blog on Day 1), we had something different planned. Aside from the halls of exhibitors and traders, UKGE also has a number of events where you can book to participate. We booked two RPG sessions for games none of us had played before.
The first was a session of Pathfinder by Paizo Publishing. This was an exciting one-shot that served as an introduction to the world and game system. The GM, Matt from the Pathfinder Society, crafted an exciting adventure for our pre-created characters that combined elements of combat, puzzle skills and (a first for us) a dance-off competition.
We had a great time playing a new system and would encourage any Pathfinder players to get in touch, as we’d love to hear about your party and adventures.
After lunch we had another RPG booked. This time it was Dungeon Crawl Classics by Goodman Games. The scenario was run by Julian from Goodman Games, and he did a great job introducing us to a new system and world, in an adventure which had a yuletide theme. The highlight for us all was when Rich G managed to cause a critical hit on an invisible monster with dipping cheese. That’s a moment you don’t forget.
One of the best things about tabletop RPGs is the limitless possibilities of how you play. I bought the Dungeon Crawl Classics rules the next day. We’re looking forward to really expanding the RPGs we play at the club. If you are looking to join a party on an adventure, GM an adventure of your own or just want to see what all the fuss is about, please get in touch. Our friendly GM goblins are waiting to take your call!